Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Lake Ngebel, Ponorogo

The lake is called Lake Ngebel due on districts Ngebel. It is located about 24 km north-east Ponogoro, East Java. Ngebel lake is on an altitude slopes Wilis 734 meters above sea level and temperature of 22-32 Celsius.

With a surface area of ​​about 1.5 km, the lake is surrounded by roads Ngebel along the 5 km. This lake has an amazing panoramic view, the cool air with the natural condition of the girl who kept a million potential to be explored. We can also meet with various fruits such as durian, mangosteen, pundung, etc.

In the lake are also spread a variety of fish, one of which is a protected fish varieties. This Hampala fish or a local resident named Ngongok fish. For that purpose, accommodation facilities are also available already for visitors who want to spend the night. The facility is managed by local governments and private companies.
According to the legend that developed in the community, Ngebel lake formed by the story of the serpent named "Baru Klinting".

When taking a snake that he was meditating and did not accidentally cut into pieces by the people around to eat. Mysterious snake turned into a child who later visited the community and make a contest for the repeal ribs glued to the ground with him. Not even one managed to carry it out.

After that he pulled out a rib, and rib holes out of water which then becomes a large pool of stagnant and become a lake Ngebel. Ngebel lake seems to have an important role in the history of Ponorogo, because one of the founders of Ponorogo, Batoro Katong, before the greatness of Islam in Ponogoro District has removed himself in the pond near the lake Ngebel. At this time, known as the pool / Kucur Batoro.
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