Friday, July 1, 2011

The Old City of Jerusalem

The Old City of Jerusalem is the old town area of ​​0.9 square miles surrounded by walls that are in the area of East Jerusalem, the city Baitulmuqaddis. Jerusalem's old city area is divided into four regions namely the Muslim Quarter, Jewish Quarter, Christian Quarter and the Armenian Quarter (mostly Christian religion).

Inside the Old City there are many starfish sacred heritage of Muslims, Kristian (Christian) and Jews. In the southeast corner of Old Jerusalem, there is also Complex Al Haram Al Sharif in which there is Qubbat As-Sakhrah and Al-Aqsa Mosque and at one corner of the mosque there is wailing wall. In the west there is also the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

Abdullah ibn Umar, a friend of Prophet Muhammad SAW, scholars of hadith and fiqh law says:

"Baitulmuqaddis is where the Prophets and their gathering to worship. There is no an inch of land in that place that is not used for worship by the Prophets, messengers, or angels." (Source : Wikipedia)
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