wasandi - Karimun Java language that is derived from the meaning kremun vague or equivocal.Given the name because these islands faintly visible from the island of Java causedsituated far enough from the island of Java. To achieve Karimunjawa takes about 4 to 6hours from the mainland island of Java using Motor Ship Fast from Semarang orJepara. It feels, fits with his name, because it takes a long time to arrive on the island.
Karimun Islands, a paradise of the divers (diver). You can perform various activities inthe crystal clear water. Swimming, diving (diving), or snorkeling will be fun. The beauty of coral reefs and colorful fish in the sea will be an attraction to playing in the water. Sea water in Karimunjawa very clear and transparent, so you can see the sea bottom clearly. For those of you who like fishing, you can also do it on some island in theKarimun.

To visit the islands in Karimun, you can use a fishing boat. The time required is not tooold to visit several islands at once because it was not far away. There is also a boat thatis equipped with a glass at the bottom of the boat (glass bottom boat) are suitable for you who do not want to dive but want to still be able to see the coral reefs or fish in thesea water.