The Israelis get drinking water and irrigation water through the lake, the water is pumped into the artificial ponds located around the hills. Then through giant pipes that water flowed into the southern part of most need.
The length of the lake is 21 km with a width of 12 km, while it about 48 km. The lake is across the River Jordan. The lake is surrounded by mountains or hills, which was situated 210 m below sea level. The water is fresh and the fish are abundant.
When compared with the lake is now more in the days of Jesus' life, because there are many surrounding vineyards, olive tree forest and fruit trees. Formerly many cities around the lake is crowded enough as Tiberias, Magdala, Capernaum, Khorazaim, Bethsaida, Gadara, Gamala, hippos and a few other cities whose name and location are unclear.
The lake is known of the many stories that can be read in the Gospels, and the best known is the story of fishing magic, the story of hurricane relief and the story of Jesus walking on the surface of the lake. With the ship from the north to the west coast, the pilgrims to cross the most beautiful lake. These ships will pass through the former town of Magdala and Genasaret plains, where he often preached to the general public.
The tourists can enjoy a kind of fish that is named St. Peter Fish (St. Peter's Fish), which was situated on the edge of Lake Tiberias. It's not complete if it comes to this place, if not yet felt the St. Peter's fish.