Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Tanjung Puting National Park, Kalimantan, Indonesia

      Tanjung Puting National Park is a place of natural reserve areas for native animals are protected especially some primates such as orang-utans and proboscis monkeys as well as a number of species of large mammal species, at least in the national park, there are more than 6 thousand wild orangutans living, vast national parks is estimated that more than 400 thousand hectares, has a collection of more than 600 species of plants and hundreds of species growing orchid forest with natural conditions dominated tropical rain forest wilderness and a river is overgrown mangrove swamp forest, in the cape region alone there are some places nipple conservation and rehabilitation for primates such as the orang-utan.

     Apart from being a research and faunan flora, the park also offers ecotourism activities in the form of an introduction to the natural environment interactions associated native wildlife including primates, an activity that is fun and certainly gives a different experience to explore every inch of the corners of the forest wilderness cape nipple with through a winding river using a boat or better known by the public klotok around.
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