Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Bunaken National Park, North Sulawesi, Indonesia

Located in the northern island of Sulawesi, Bunaken is one of the diving and snorkeling areas most visited in Indonesia. Bunaken is part of the Bunaken Islands Marine Park which can be found at this place more than 70% of the species of fish that live in the western Pacific Ocean. The best time to dive in Bunaken is in April and November.

Potential land islands national park is rich in species of palm, sago, woka, silar and coconut. Types of animals that live on land and coastal regions such as Sulawesi black macaques (Macaca nigra nigra), deer (Cervus timorensis Russa), and possum (Ailurops ursinus ursinus).

Plant species in the mangroves of Bunaken National Park namely Rhizophora sp., Sonneratia sp., Lumnitzera sp., And Bruguiera sp. This forest is rich with various kinds of crabs, shrimp, mollusks and various types of sea birds such as gulls, herons, sea virgin, and cangak sea.

Approximately 91 species of fish found in the waters of Bunaken National Park, including fish gusumi horse (Hippocampus horse), white oci (Seriola rivoliana), lolosi yellow tail (Lutjanus kasmira), goropa (Ephinephelus spilotoceps Pseudanthias hypselosoma), ila trunk (Scolopsis bilineatus) , and others.

Types of mollusks like giant clams (Tridacna gigas), goat head (Cassis cornuta), hollow nautilus (Nautilus pompillius), and tunikates / ascidian.

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