Friday, August 12, 2011

Luxury resort Amphibious Floating Underwater

This is a resort Amphibian ambitious project is floating on the coast of Qatar, and the resort will become a playground for the rich and famous.

This floating resort is the brainchild of Giancarlo Zema Design Group (GZDG) who want to experience a unique and memorable to their wealthy clients.

By giving the impression to be the name of luxury and hospitality, the resort will feature 75 luxury suites with private terrace and part of the resort will be fully submerged under water. So expect to find a real floating walkways, offices, residential buildings, central park and the other as an architectural miracle.

Suite will also feature a private aquarium, but the scene will no doubt lounge of water that is under sea level.

Do you want to see underwater and sitting in the midst of the sea while enjoying a relaxing you? But surely you have to spend money that is not less.
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