Friday, August 12, 2011

Lake Tempe, South Sulawesi

Lake Tempe is one of the attractions in South Sulawesi, Indonesia is visited by many tourists, both domestic and foreign tourists. The lake which covers 13 000 hectares of this, when viewed from a height looks like a giant basin.

The lake is a source of livelihood, fishing, not only for the District Wajo, but also some community members and Sidrap Soppeng District. Along the shore, looking nuanced Bugis fishing village lined up facing the lake.

Tempe Lake is the largest freshwater fish producer in the world, because the bottom of the lake holds a lot of fish food sources. In addition, this lake also has a freshwater fish species that can not be found elsewhere. This is expected because the location of the lake is located just above the Australian and Asian plates.

In the middle of Lake Tempe, seems hundreds of floating house owned by fishermen who lined decorated with colorful flags. From the top of the floating house, tourists can witness the sunrise and sunset in the same position, and witnessed a variety of birds, flowers, grass and water that floats above the water surface. At night, visitors can witness the beauty of the moon that illuminates the Tempe Lake while fishing. Lake Tempe is located in District Tempe, Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi Province of Indonesia.

The lake is located 7 miles from Sengkang Town, the capital of Wajo. To reach this place, from Sengkang to the River City Walennae can be reached overland by car pete-pete (microbus). From River to Lake Tempe Walennae to be taken for 30 minutes by motor boat or katinting, at a cost of about $ 4, - up to $ 6, - per person.

For tourists who want to see the beautiful moon at night while fishing, can stay at the houseboat in the middle of the lake with the local fishermen.
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