Monday, July 11, 2011

Waterfall Latuppa, Palopo

Ever imagine a tour of nature while enjoying the fruits like Durian, Rambutan and Langsat. Perhaps the tourist area of ​​waterfalls Latuppa you are looking for.

Sources of water from the River is well known Latuppa never dry all year round. As well as abundant water supplies, visits from local and foreign tourists are also not being quiet. This attraction has become a mainstay Palopo City and has also been proclaimed as agro-tourism area since the late '90s.

Local people cultivate fruit is typical mainstay of this region, such as Durian Sawerigading which is a typical varites Palopo City, rambutan, mangosteen, and duku complexioned.

So do not be surprised, if the fruit season arrives, as far as the eye could see a row of fruit sellers looking to meet along the road to the waterfall area Latuppa this.

Latuppa own waterfall has a height of about 13 meters which have varying levels. Large stone walls that form the waterway is also overgrown with moss with a pool of water large enough most basic section where visitors can enjoy a cold water bath Latuppa river and enjoy the atmosphere of the original forest is lush with trees.

If lucky, visitors can simply pluck ripe rambutan fruit that the tree is fairly much in that location.

One more advantage Latuppa waterfall tourist sites, namely certain dimusin we are presented with a beautiful crowd of birds typical of this area is often called the eagle Sulawesi.
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