Saturday, July 9, 2011

Pharos Iskandariah

is a house fire that fostered in the 3rd century BC on the island of Pharos border with the city of ancient Alexandria, Egypt, ancient. The height is estimated to exceed 115 meters and is the tallest structure between human creation for hundreds of years.

Cooked up by building a house fire on landing Snidus Sostratus of satrap (Gabenor) Ptolemy I, a commander of Alexander the Great. After Alexander's death, Ptolemy declared himself king and directing formation of new house building fire. The building is prepared during the reign of Ptolemy II Philadelphus.

According to legend, Ptolemy Sostratus prevented by putting his name on the building. However, Sostratus also carved his name on the footprint of the building, and the inscription: Sostratus, son of Cnidia Dexiphanes dedicate this building to the gods, for the sailor and penelajah. The inscription was included under a layer of plaster, and on the outside is written inscriptions glorifying another Ptolemy.

Fairy tales also stated that a house fire can be seen from a distance of 56 km. The building is fostered using light-colored stone and has three Courant: rectangular portion with a terrace just below the central portion side of the middle eight and rounded upper portion. A large mirror that bounces light placed upon it, when fire is used at night. Poseidon idols set up in a peak in the days of Empires Rom.

Walls of buildings able to withstand the waves of sea water. This building stood firm and is among the seven wonders of the last (except the Great Pyramids Kufu) which collapsed.
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