Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Namiseom Island, South Korea

Namiseom is a half moon-shaped islet located in Chuncheon, South Korea, are formed on tergenangnya rising waters of the North Han River as a result of Cheongpyeong Dam construction in 1944. The name of this island comes from the General Nami, who died at the age of 28 on false charges as treason during reign of King Sejo, the seventh king of Joseon Dynasty Korea. Despite this grave was not found.

Namiseom Island (Namisum or Nami) is located 3.8 km of Gapyeong County, in Gangwon-do Chuncheon. The extent is 430,000 square meters. Once equated we must first buy a ticket for admission to the island Namiseom, after we buy a new ticket and then we go straight on a ship to cross the lake to island Namiseomnya. Not long boat trips are just minutes away. Having arrived straight off the boat we can walk or ride a specific car or train, the advice I use to walk, because you can take photographs inside the foot. Time to walk only about 15 minutes, in a way you can view the high trees are arranged neatly, there are several restaurants that you can singgahi too, and visit other places.

In Nami island is perfect for you visit with your lover, because in this location nature really make a romantic atmosphere, the beauty of the trees are tall, clean, then we can rent a two-wheeled bicycles, tricycles, bike or electric. For we can rent a rickshaw for 1 hour at a cost of approximately $ 12.5.

At this location don't forget to take a picture (photo) at various points of view. It is wonderful to preserve. Ornamental trees and green leaves make a beautiful arrangement to be seen, especially when you come in the autumn or in the morning when the fog still blanketed.

Since 2001, the island Namiseom has become one of the attractions of cultural tourism with a number of Asian tourists to be increased due to the success of Korean dramas. It has also been in the spotlight in the international resort town with good natural environment, where many foreigners coming to Korea intends to visit this site as well.
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