Saturday, June 18, 2011

Lake Talang, Sumatera Island

In the area of Sumatra is in addition to Twin Lakes and Lake Batur old has terpoper now in Solok district still has another very beautiful lake as well as lakes Gutters. This lake has a lot of charm to the atmosphere and enjoy, especially on the beauty of the possessed.

The lake is located in Kenagarian Kampuang BatuDalam, Twin Lakes District looks graceful to the eye. With the circuit is surrounded by hills of Mount Talang as if presenting a very beautiful natural panorama. Unfortunately, not so many visitors who can enjoy it. There are still many people who are not familiar with Lake Talang.

Adri, 47 th, a resident Jorong Freshwater, Kenagarian Kampuang BatuDalam, in his daily life always take advantage of this lake. Every day when going to the farm, which lies across the lake, he was clear through the lake Talang. Not infrequently did in her spare time, Aldi fishing on the lake.

Adri recognize people rarely visit this lake. If anything, the numbers can be counted on fingers. Though the scenery is quite nice and charming. According to Adri, visitors to the lake looks more in the days of big, new year and such. That too will not last long. "If they come during the afternoon, back home. More young people than those who come with families, "he added.

The small number of visitors who come to Lake Talang, Adri thought, because due to localized access to the lake was very difficult, as well as new avenues available in the form of a dirt road, away from the highway-Alahan Panjang Bukit Sileh also reach 3 kilometers. "In addition to much, way too many climbs. Maklun course, it is located in the waist of Mount Talang, "he said. Adri look forward to the Government so that the path to the location of the lake can be fixed, so that good people who will go farming and for recreation can be smoothly until localized.
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