Thursday, June 9, 2011

Dungun Beach, Indonesia

Dungun Beach is one tourist destination located in the village of Sea Dungun district. Java is more or less 35 km from capital Kab.Sambas. Beaches have white sand and big rocks are beautiful and interesting sights.

The water is crystal clear beaches and blue, would attract you for enjoy it in a way swimming, fishing, diving, and surfing. On January 13, 2005, in Dungun Beach Beach beach there is a rare marine animals found stranded dead.

Local people call it "ELEPHANT MINA", but its scientific name is in the process of identification by the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Jakarta. All the bones of sea animals are collected by the family of Mr Omar Sanen (Pak Cenot) which is then submitted to the Museum Linggam Mini Light on January 6, 2006.
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