wasandi - In the middle of West Papua and Papua New Guinea there Newguinea in Jayawijaya Mountains which is the name for the mountain range that stretched lengthwise. Since the appointment of the sea floor thousands of years ago formed a row of mountains that has some the highest peak in Indonesia. Although there is high 4800 meters above sea level, fossil sea shells, for example, can be seen in limestone and clastic rocks in the Jayawijaya Mountains. In addition to a paradise of sport climbers, the mountains are also a paradise of special interest in geology researchers the world.
Jayawijaya Mountains being the only mountain in Indonesia that mepunyai peak covered by permanent snow. However, not all clusters that have a snow Jayawijaya Mountains, because of global weather changes are therefore snow is owned by some of the peaks are now missing.
On the continent of Australia has a very intensive precipitation, not to mention the occurrence of plate collision between the Indo-Pacific plate with the Indo-Australian on the seabed. This island arc generated by timbukan plate, which now became the forerunner of the islands and mountains in Papua.