Friday, March 25, 2011

Parangtritis Beach Jogja

wasandi - Since time immemorial, Parangtritis beach complex has been famous, not only as a recreational beach area, but also famous as a place that has many historical relics, particularly those related to the legend of the South Queen or Queen of the South Sea Authority.

Parangtritis Complex is located 27 kilometers from Yogyakarta by Kretek. To reach this area, visitors can take one of two lane road:

The first route:
From the terminal Umbulharjo through wetan Beteng Corner (southeast) to the south of Yogyakarta Palace straight up to the Tourism Complex Parangtritis.

The second road:
From the terminal Umbulharjo through Imogiri region (the tomb of King - King of Mataram) and siluk villages with roads up and down while enjoying the beautiful scenery, to get to the Tourism Complex Parangtritis.
This second path is ± 10 km farther than the first line using Public Bus fixed route.

As a natural tourism area which is also a cultural tourism and pilgrimage, Parangtritis been equipping themselves with the inn - the inn and the house - the house to eat, and various recreational facilities such as swimming baths, camping grounds and so forth.
Sightseeing can be visited in this area include:
Parang Wedang:
A mineralized hot springs that never dry all year, which is often also used to cure skin diseases.

Parang Kusuma:
This place is regarded as a most sacred place of the whole complex Parangtritis region, which according to Javanese belief, is the meeting place between the King - the king who ruled kingdom of Yogyakarta with Queen of South. This meeting occurs on a rock which is the remainder of kegiatanvulkanis in the past (post-volcanic) which is an intrusive rock in the middle stretch of sandy beach, with bright watu name and existing facilities such as inns, mosques, restaurants and toilets.

Uplands Gambirowati:
Gambirowati highlands is one place that has a great view into the complex Parangtritis beach and into the surrounding seas. This place can be reached along the road from the direction Parangtritis Langse Bake and Goa, which is an uphill road to the hills.
Gupit hill that is on this road, often used as a place to start / jumping sports lovers hang gliders (hang gliding).
Goa Langse:
Represents tangible cave hermitage a tunnel under a rock, overlooking the mouth towards the open sea. This cave can be reached down a steep rock, and rocky through a ladder of rope or bamboo, for the courage it required an excellent and special skills.

During high tides, the mouth of this cave is covered by sea water, so to enter or exit the cave, can only be done during low tide.

Tomb of Syeh Bela - Belu:
There on the hill Fishing, regarded as a sacred tomb. The tomb is visited by many pilgrims, especially on Friday and Tuesday Kliwon.
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