Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Mount Ranai

wasandi - Natuna Islands in the province of Kep. Riau also has a tourism mainstay of the mountain, although most of the region is ocean. Mount Ranai that having an altitude of 1035 above sea level in the island Ranai, central district on the northern tip of the Indonesian territory bordering the South China Sea. Natuna with an area of ​​264,198 square kilometers of mostly water with an area of ​​262,197 square kilometers. As a district that has a very wide area, Natuna only 92,060 with a population of 0.87 percent per annum growth rate. Temperatures in the Natuna relatively cold Connecticut version of 22.7 degrees Celsius.

Many interesting tourist attraction in the Natuna besides, of course, proved to have a mountain of nautical tourism Ranai a fascinating and unique. Is unique because the mountain is a common species of rare and unusual trees grow on the plains The standard height.

From this mountain, can seem like a beautiful panorama Ranai City of Cape Coast, Senoa island, Goat island, strait Lampha, Sebagul coast, Gulf coast Selahang, Setengar beach and so forth. Mountain loomed so Ranai will set foot on the island Ranai. The mountain also has a gradient of plant types that differ from lowland forests to upland forest.

At a certain altitude, the climbers will find the types of vegetation which shows the typical mountain terrain over which usually grows on the mountain at an altitude of 2,000 meters.
ntuk reach the summit of Mount Ranai, the climber must exceed three peaks of rock with different heights. The first peak called Peak Serendit with a height of 968 meters.

The peak is a cluster of high cliffs with up to 100 meters. The next peak is Erik Samali Peak at an altitude of 999 meters above sea level. This is a second peak with a high cliff cliff about 150 meters. While the third peak (highest peak) commander named Peak Datuk Husin, situated at an altitude of 1035 meters. Like the two previous peaks, Peak chief Datuk Husin is also a cliff with a height of approximately 200 meters.
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