Monday, March 21, 2011

Krakal Beach Jogja

wasandi - Krakal Beach can be reached via the road along the 6 miles of beach area Kukup, so the beach Krakal a chain of travel after visiting the beach and beach Baron Kukup. Distance from Yogyakarta Krakal beach approximately 65 kilometers and can be reached in about 3 hours.

The trip to the beach is also across the hills Krakal - limestone hills, interspersed with rock road. This is characteristic of karst areas managed by residents. Based on geological studies, in those days ago, this area is the foundation of the ocean that the appointment process that occurs in the crust of the earth, the sea is becoming increasingly higher and eventually emerged as the highlands. Stones - rocks that appear at the time was the former home of yanghidup reef animals in sea water at that time.

Krakal Beach is the most beautiful beaches, among the entire stretch of beach along the island of Java. This beach will be built into the coastal and tourist settlements, especially foreign tourists, a kind of tourist resort of Nusa Dua on Bali island. Krakal Beach, shape sloping beaches, white sand, spread throughout more than 5 kilometers. This beach receives sun from morning to evening throughout the year. Wind blown sea is very cool, waves were quite big.
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