Thursday, February 17, 2011

Mount Sibayak

wasandi - Mount Sibayak that its location is in high Karo with a height of 2094 m above sea level. Mountain peak condition that has been devastated by the eruption in the past this could be achieved from two places, namely: from the village of King Berneh (Spirit Mountain) and from the town of Berastagi. Sibayak Mountain is a volcano that is still active, and has a sloping crater enough to descend and appear not so dangerous as long as not too close.
The mountain is not so difficult to climb even by a beginner though. Just as Mount Gede in West Java, this mountain is always crowded by local climbers night week. They usually start climbing at around 2:00 in the morning to get the views of this mountain sunrise dipuncak.

From the top of this mountain we could seein distant views of the city of Medan .
Condensation factor on the mountain is very high which causes the haze that often seen clustered in the area peaks.
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