Geographically, Lake Ranau topography is hilly berlembah make this practical, Lake Ranau have cool weather.
Famous lake is often the fishermen to catch fish such as mujair, kepor, kepiat, and harongan. Also as a stunning tour of the city, there are so many beautiful scenes. Right there in the middle of the island called Pulau Marisa. There are hot springs that are often used for local residents or the tourists who come to the island, there are waterfalls, and lodging.This lake is also a mainstay of the tourism object Ogan Komering Ulu district south, especially in the holiday season arrives and the Idul Fitri holiday.
And in 2007 the lake was yesterday inaugurated by Bupati Lampung Barat, as a new tourist center in the area of Lombok district Sukau West Lampung District.
According to the legend, the lake is created from the large earthquake and the eruption of volcanoes vulkanik make a large cavity. Major rivers that flow in the previous foot volcano that became the main source of water that fill the basin / fissure that. And the long run the big hole filled with water. Then around the lake is a new start ditumbuhi various plants, including plants in the bush by the local people called Ranau. But the lake is also dinamakanlah Danau Ranau. The rest of the volcano is now the Mount Seminung who stood firmly on the shores of Lake watery clear it.
On the other hand Seminung at the foot of the mountain there are natural hot springs that come out from the bottom lake. Around the lake can also be found Subik waterfall. Other interesting places to visit Marisa Island is located not far from the hot water.