Tuesday, September 13, 2011

China Has Opening Angry Bird Attraction Playground

Did you already hear the good news for game addicts Angry Birds in cyberspace. Since the game happen in the real world. The game is embodied in a garden themed Angry Birds in Changsha, Hunan, China.

This park was opened to the public on the 1st of last September in Changsha, capital of Hunan province in southeast China. Opening of the park is part of a giant amusement park called Window of the World.

Existing facilities at the park The Angry Birds built as part of the festival which was held a month to reduce stress.

In this park you will be able to directly simulating play as in computer games, for example, draw a giant slingshot to reach the target on a green balloon Angry Bird placed around the castle toy bricks.

"This (park Angry Birds) serves as a method for people to eliminate fatigue and to obtain happiness," said a party official from Gamesky.com.

Window of the World which has an area of ​​400,000 square meters is a major recreational attraction in Changsha. Angry Birds playground located inside the national park American Zone, in addition to a replica of Mount Rushmore. Angry Birds game is scheduled to run until the end of September. But according to marketing manager Ye Xiumei park, Window of the World can delay the closure zone of the game.

For now the park Angry Birds have not received much attention as expected because the less precisely the time that coincide with the opening day of the entry of school children and less promotion. Angry Bird playground is also not among the official licensed products Angry Birds.
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