Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hanging Bridge Hussaini

Known as the most dangerous bridges in the world, Hussaini Hanging Bridge is one of many precarious rope bridges in northern Pakistan.

For most people, the only way to travel is by walking across the mountains towards Rawalpindi. In 1978, the Karakoram Highway was completed and the region has been connected, but intra-regional travel is still as hard as 100 years ago.

Regular aspects encountered in traveling through the area including rickety bridges made ​​of wires and circuit boards contained in the mountains and rivers in northern Pakistan. Among these are the Hanging Bridge Hussaini, across Lake Borit in the Upper Hunza.

This rope bridge, the bridge consists of two adjacent, poorly maintained. Many boards are missing, and the winds mengguncan when you cross the bridge. Although it looks dangerous, however, Hussaini is a bridge that is relatively safe and has become an attraction for tourists.
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