Saturday, August 20, 2011

Beautiful island of Tioman Island Malaysia

Pulau Tioman is one of the most beautiful islands of Malaysia and has also been selected as one of the most beautiful island in the world.

The island is located about 55 kilometers off the coast of Pahang. This island has an area? More than 35km long and 19km at its widest point.

Like other islands in the region Malaysia, Tioman is also rich in marine life, snorkeling and diving to become a frequent tourist activities, and become a major attraction promoted continuously.

You can get a chance to see barracudas, Napoleon fish, turtles, stingrays, eels Murray, parrot fish, a large entourage and many coral reefs surrounding the waters of Tioman, and if you're lucky, you can observe the dugong or seacow.

And you can make a visit to some islands that are still part of Tioman, such Chebeh Island, Island Tulai, Sembilang Island, the island of soft, fatigue Island, Pulau Tokong hull, Series Creating Island, and Island of Evil.

If you are looking for a good time to visit the island in about March to October. When the holiday weekend is also definitely more fun.
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