Sunday, April 17, 2011

Mangkulangit Cave

wasandi - If you are on vacation in Borneo, do not forget to visit Mangkulangit Cave the location was in the upstream tributaries kandilo precisely in the village of Muara Kuaro with distances ranging from 15 km from Muara Komam. This cave is very unique because its location is below the steep rock cliffs, river contained therein. To reach this place takes about approximately 45 minutes from the estuary komam or from the village of Muara Kuaro about 10 minutes

Panorama inside the cave is very beautiful and very cool, because in this cave there is water so clear and cold. On holidays are not just local residents who come to visit this place, but the tourists from outside the area also loh. This place is probably that you are looking to spend your holiday time with family.

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